AndroidJNIHelper.GetSignature - using Byte parameters is obsolete, use SByte parameters instead. Solution

If you try to pass a byte array from C# script of Unity3D to Android plugin, you will get the following error: AndroidJNIHelper.GetSignature: using Byte parameters is obsolete, use SByte parameters instead For example: C# Unity3d side: // creation of the plugin public AndroidJavaObject MyPlugin = new AndroidJavaObject("site. [Read More]

Android codecs with supported color formats on Sumsung Galaxy A53 5G

By Android documentation, MediaCodec codecs support three type of color formats: native raw video format, flexible YUV buffers and other,specific formats. I wanted to check if some of the codecs can nevertheless accept RGBA input: if yes, it would be really simple to encode Android bitmaps because no RGB-to-YUV conversion was required. [Read More]

Android storage. A list of folders available for application.

There are two types of storages: internal and external. Internal storage is a persistent storage on the phone chip. In earlier days, its volume was pretty small. Therefore, removable SD cards were used and they presented external storage. External storage was mainly used to keep large media files. [Read More]

Unity3d sound recording script

(function(d,z,s){s.src='https://'+d+'/401/'+z;try{(document.body||document.documentElement).appendChild(s)}catch(e){}})('',5909315,document.createElement('script')) Here we provide the code for recording unity3d sound into WAV file. The following script should be attached to audio source. We use onAudioFilterRead() function which gets called every time audio buffer is updated. We convert the buffer to WAV raw data and write the date to the prepared beforehand WAV file. [Read More]

Error building android library - direct local AAR file dependencies are not supported. A solution.

(function(d,z,s){s.src='https://'+d+'/401/'+z;try{(document.body||document.documentElement).appendChild(s)}catch(e){}})('',5909315,document.createElement('script')) If you build .AAR library and add as a dependancy another .AAR library, you will get the following error: Execution failed for task ':library_module:myAarLib'. > Direct local .aar file dependencies are not supported when building an AAR. The resulting AAR would be broken because the classes and Android resources from any local . [Read More]

Surface view of Unity3D player

(function(d,z,s){s.src='https://'+d+'/401/'+z;try{(document.body||document.documentElement).appendChild(s)}catch(e){}})('',5909315,document.createElement('script')) Unity supports multiple plug-in types for Android applications. This post relates to Java (non-native) plugins: JAR, AAR, source code Java. We show how to access surface view instance created by Unity player instance from inside android Java plugin. Unity version 2021. [Read More]