Rider editor - no analysis has been performed. Solution

Recently, while working on a Unity project (version 2021.3.16f1) with the external script editor Rider 2022.3.2 on Linux, I encountered a situation where one of the project’s C# files, AudioRec.cs, opened in Rider, ceased to be code analyzed. This occurred suddenly, and I could not recall any action that could have caused this issue. The other two files were analyzed without any problems.

Furthermore, every time Rider launched, the following message appeared:

Advanced Unity itegration is unavailable.
Make sure JetBrains Rider Editor is installed in Unity's Package 
Manager and Rider 2022.3.2. is set as the External Editor.

Although this warning did not have any noticeable effect on the functionality of Rider, I initially thought it could be related to the problem I was experiencing. However, it turned out that the warning had nothing to do with the described problem.

After some investigation, I found that if I renamed AudioRec.cs to, say, AutioRecord.cs, Rider started to analyze the code again.

I tried to solve the problem by removing the .idea folder in the Unity project directory, but it did not help.

I tried to remove ~/.cache/JetBrains/Rider2022.3 folder with Rider’s cached data. No result.

I also ran File->Invalidate Caches... in Rider, checking all the checkboxes, but it did not solve the issue.

Finally, I discovered a myproject.sln.DotSettings.user file in my Unity project folder (note that for your project, the file will be named yourproject.sln.DotSettings.user). The file contained the following XML:

<wpf:ResourceDictionary xml:space="preserve" 
<s:String x:Key="/Default/CodeInspection/ExcludedFiles/FilesAndFoldersToSkip2/=3E8C58A0_002DAA09_002DA5DF_002DD697_002DF53FDF8B6686_002Fd_003AAssets_002Ff_003AAudioRec_002Ecs/@EntryIndexedValue">

Surprisingly, the file contained the file name of the file that was not being code analyzed. Removing the following XML from the file solved the issue:

<s:String x:Key="/Default/CodeInspection/ExcludedFiles/FilesAndFoldersToSkip2/=3E8C58A0_002DAA09_002DA5DF_002DD697_002DF53FDF8B6686_002Fd_003AAssets_002Ff_003AAudioRec_002Ecs/@EntryIndexedValue">

See also